
Saved for the assassin's bullet

So the AKP government avoided being deposed by the 'secularist' (actually Kemalist sectarian) judiciary, getting away with a wrist-slapping (see last post.) And now President Gül is off to Armenia. Now, on the one hand, it's football, the nearest thing we have to a universal human religion, so maybe he'll be fine. On the other hand, rabid nationalists on both sides - Turkish and Armenian - will be lining up to take a shot at him. I only hope the Turkish and Armenian security people decide to do their job well this weekend. The AKP has a strong enough popular mandate to actually do something about their country's poor relationship with Armenia. And Armenia should take note of what a dodgy ally they have in Russia, given what they just got up to next door, and perhaps take this opportunity to thaw relations with Turkey (and, even, Azerbaijan by proxy.) There's change I can believe in.

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