
Road Rage

A few days a week, I drive three children (two of them mine) to school in Harrisburg. Of course, I drive carefully, refrain from swearing at idiot drivers, and generally attempt to model calm and responsible driver conduct. Some days it is particularly hard, today was among the hardest. Not because of some bizarre and life-threatening action by a truck driver or because (as is all too common) someone is following me too closely at high speed. This was something in front of me, that forced me to draw back even further than usual in the hope that the kids would not see such obscenity.

An SUV in front of me had a sticker on the back saying:
No Husseins in the White House.

Barely-disguised code in the current climate for "No Ni&&@#$ in the White House." So thank you, McCain-Palin campaign, for empowering racist hicks everywhere to be out and proud about their feebleminded, fearful hate. John Murtha acknowledged today that endemic racism in western PA will reduce the size of Obama's victory here. Sadly, it is not restricted to the west - we have our very own bigots here in the Capital Area.

How can we bring up decent, open-minded children with that kind of example around them? Hope and work for an Obama victory, of course. Model civility. And, like Wendy in South Park, confront and fight cancers wherever we encounter them.


nosameerf said...

I feel your pain sir..i do.

Francesca said...

When rage galvanizes us, it is an inspiration, honing our thoughts and purpose to sharp points.

When rage freezes us, then we have to let it go because we MUST fight. Even sad, even angry, even overwhelmed, no matter what.

So just what you said -- we confront and fight the cancer in our society. I really do hope -- and am scared to hope -- that a new way might be coming.

Blogger and Tagger said...

Your honest indignation would be an object lesson to your children. They are more likely to learn from that than from the nasty bumper sticker.

Maru del Campo said...

I'm glad I found your blog, to read this honesty is a balsam for the soul. Just knowing there are people like you around increases hope.
Maru :X

Anonymous said...

I agree with blogger and tagger - let the kids see this stuff, respond and tell them why!

Ed Webb said...

Coulda woulda shoulda. Next time I'll seize the teachable moment. On this occasion I went into fight or flight mode almost immediately, it was that outrageous.