
Resistance is Fertile?

They're rioting in Athens. Still.

The protestors are calling for Europe-wide protests, and 'resistance' (in four languages - although from the picture at right it appears they misspelled the German). Cool. But protests against what? Resistance to what? Prime Minister Karamanlis conceded in parliament that "long-unresolved problems, such as the lack of meritocracy, corruption in everyday life and a sense of social injustice disappoint young people." Well of course. Twas ever thus. And if they keep it up, the demonstrators might just get Karamanlis out of office, without otherwise making much difference on those issues.

But the call for a broader European resistance shows that they realize that the forces that are 'disappointing' them are much wider, much more diffuse. Transnational. Abstract concepts that nevertheless have real, local, socially difficult consequences, like globalization. Well - how do you 'resist' the times we live in? What happens as a result of protesting against them? Time to get real, people. Time to start planning for, and building, the different society you want. Protests won't build it. Resistance won't build it.

On the other hand, protests and resistance can build community, and communities can build it. So, protest away. But after the protests, take that momentum and the new connections you have forged and build something new.


Essential Reading

Senate Armed Forces Committee report on torture. Blame for this hideous violation of decency and, not coincidentally, massive blow to US national interests, goes all the way to the top. Yes, I'm looking at you, W and Rummy. Oh, and the usual suspects in the neocon cabal - Feith, Wolfowitz et al. It's not a long read, and is an important one.

In other news, capitalism is eating itself, in the form of rapacious financial operators running around looking for people to blame for their own collective and individual failings. Farce.